Communication diagnosis

At Cabrun!, the communication diagnosis of businesses interested in our services is the first step in content marketing. It involves careful conversation to understand the company’s business model well and the partners’ and/or communications teams’ perception of its purpose, positioning, competition and the audience which the company engage or wants to engage.

We focus on the origin of the business. What are the world’s problems it sets out to solve? This is key when developing content guidelines. It is essential to know what earlier and current communication initiatives the company has carried out, where they have been successful or have failed and what elements could be improved and boosted by our work.

With this information, we find the basis for what we call access activities to the brand universe. They are primarily based on design thinking exercises, enabling us to go deeper into different brand aspects and, thus, develop creative and authentic content, choosing the most efficient channels to broadcast messages and maintain relationships with audiences. We set up small workshops with the people involved with the brand – usually the partners, representatives of the Marketing and Communications teams and, later, the Sales team. The resulting insights from these activities are often invaluable when  developing copywriting services.

It is very important that businesses go through this stage. Activities apply to companies which are active and established and to those which are getting off the ground and want to be launched with a very consistent communications plan based on content marketing.

Let’s talk about your company?

This is the jump-start to unfolding your story.

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